Fall is here

Fall is my favorite time of year! Welcome to our community site in this corner of the internet. But back to fall; it is fickle. It seems like a fight between summer and winter until winter wins in late December. I have noticed people do not always mention fall, or spring, for that matter; they only seem to focus on summer and winter. I choose to revel in the autumn colors and enjoy it all as long as possible. Cooler evenings, more pleasant days—the heat recedes; the heat is not my friend. This is only one of the reasons I love fall! What am I forgetting? Oh yes, pumpkin spice! It takes over at this time of year.

changing fall leaves

I only know a few people who do not like pumpkin or pumpkin spice foods. Most of us love it! Recently, I moved to an area that gets more of the real seasons, and the colors on the trees are amazing. I moved from central California, and spring and fall were almost non-existent. Super-hot summers and mild, foggy winters were the norm there. It’s so refreshing to live in a place where I can experience actual seasons! I’ve been told it does not snow too much here, which pleased me because I’ve never lived where it snows before.

Luckily, we moved to a house that does not have a lot of trees in the backyard, therefore, no raking will be necessary! That is quite a blessing, as we are still unpacking boxes from the move and do not have a lot of time for yard work. There were a lot of beautiful flowers planted here just after moving in, and beholding them is a true joy.

Holidays and Fall

It seems the stores do not know the seasons. I saw Christmas decorations in August! Well, I’ve heard of “Christmas in July” sales before, so no shock there. The time for holiday shopping can really be any time, as there are many gifting occasions throughout the year. We have some ideas, and you are welcome to check them out here.

glass mosaic Jack o' Lantern

The first well-known holiday of Fall is Halloween. Lots of people love this holiday and everything about it. I do not like horror or scary things, so I focus on the fun parts. The Trick-or-Treating, the children dressing up in costume, and, of course, candy!!

The second Fall holiday is Veteran’s Day, on November 11th. I may be only listing the holidays in the United States, since that is what I am familiar with. Veteran’s Day is a national holiday, so usually the banks and Post Office are closed. We need to celebrate and honor our Veterans. I, for one, am so grateful for their service!

The third is Thanksgiving, always the fourth Thursday of November. This is one of the best holidays of all! Being grateful for all we are given, sharing with those we love and no pressure of gift-giving. The big, bountiful meal is the focus; not to mention those who enjoy football!

Since fall ends just before Christmas, it is not officially a Fall holiday. However, I must include it because I love it! The lights are my favorite. Having lights on the outside of the house and driving around viewing other homes that have the same love is so fun. All of the decorations, gathered over the years, are great to enjoy with family and friends.

Speaking of lights, the festival of lights is around the same time. Hanukkah is a great holiday to enjoy with family and friends as well. Kwaanza is another one that brings joy!

We hope you will enjoy all of the things that fall brings; the weather, the holidays, the gifts, and the colors!